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Individuals interested in making a paper presentation or a poster presentation should submit an abstract of not more than 300 words. The proposed paper or poster should be relevant to the conference theme and one of the sub-themes.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 October 2011. Please follow this format:
- Font should be Times New Roman throughout.
- Title should be 16 points in font size, boldface and centred.
- Name of the first author should be 14 points in size, placed at the center.
- Name of the author’s institution and his/her electronic address, 10 points center.
- Indicate the sub-theme.
- Include at least three keywords.
Submit your abstract via the online submission system.
Instructions for the preparation of papers
- Title of Paper: Times New Roman 16 points, center, bold
- Full name of author, department and institution, and address (postal address, e-mail, telephone and fax numbers): Times New Roman, 12 points, center
- Abstract, sub-theme, and keywords: Times New Roman, 11 points, italics
- Headings: Times New Roman, 14 points, bold
- Text: Times New Roman, 12 points, single spacing
- References: APA format, Times New Roman, 12 points
- Word limit: 2,500 words (at most 10 pages including diagrams, tables, references, etc.)
- Page frame: A4 in Microsoft Word 2003
Submit your abstracts and full papers using the online article submission system